Questions on/in the Marvel Movies

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1. Iron Man: How is he an unlikely hero?

2. Captain America: What is so special about not being special?

3. Iron Man 2: Any recognizable narrative here? How do we measure qualities in an action movie?

4. Thor: How does the power order become subverted? When are the crucial moments that show this?

5. The Avengers: How's the notion, unity in diversity, realized here? What characters and attributes do the gods in mythology have?

6. Iron Man 3: Who are monsters? How do they come to be? What changes us?

7. Thor, the Dark World: What does modern science make of astrology?

8. Captain America, the Winter Soldier: An algorithm that predicts humans' future action based on data gathered from the patterns of behavior in the past. Eliminating "dangerous" people in advance. Sounds familiar?

9. Guardians of Galaxy: How do a bunch of freaks get to do something amazing? Why do get excited by this sort of narrative?

10. Guardians of Galaxy 2: What are the differences between being a father and being a dad?

11. Avengers, Age of Ultron: If A.I. creates entities or organisms, what sort of things would they be? What grace in human failings? Were their "dreams" a hallucination or a revelation?

12. Ant-Man: What would it be like to be irrelevant to time and space?

13. Captain America, Civil War: How do you know if you're right? Does it matter how you show you're right?

14. Ant-Man and the Wasp: How does size affect our perception and way of thinking?

15. Avengers, Infinity War: "salvation" according to Thanos? A 1 in 14,000,605 chance of defeating him. Can this be called hope? What's in "we don't trade lives"? Why do we matter?

16. Avengers, Endgame: What's something worth dying for? Are sacrifices necessary? Is death really the end? Who or what is in need of redemption?
